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Video, Podcasts, Images and Audio

Useful beekeeping links to local, state, and other resources.


NWNJBA YouTube Channel
Note: Our videos have moved! We switched our video presentation to YouTube for better user compatibility.


Links and descriptions to a handful of beekeeping podcasts. The Podcasts can be subscribed via iTunes and Zune among other software programs or you can get them directly from the websites. If you are not familiar with what a podcast is, it is simply an audio recording that can be listened to on your computer or with an MP3 player. Almost every computer has the capability to play these audio recordings.

The Beekeeper's Corner Podcast


A hobbyist beekeeper's perspective on beekeeping.  Hosted by NWNJBA beekeeper (and webmaster) Kevin Inglin.  How to, Local Beekeeping news, local hive reports, educational topics, 'term of the day', honey recipes and more...

The Barefoot Beekeeper Podcast 


Well known organic beekeeper Phil Chandler brings his mix of organic beekeeping information, top bar hive advice, and timely (if not thought provoking and sometimes controversial) news on the beekeeping industry news for pesticides, CCD, and the like.

The Kiwimana Buzz Podcast


Hosted by Gary and Margaret, this podcast from New Zeland covers beekeeping and often has special guests. They talk about life and events from the Hills of the West Auckland range in New Zeland

Jennings Apiaries Podcast


An effort from Louisiana, this podcast is hosted by Lauren and Aaron Jennings.  They have a mix of guests and topics aimed at hobbyist, sideliner and small scale commercial beekeepers.

Treatment Free Beekeeping


A mix of advice and guest interviews with host Solomon Parker. Solomon chooses a treatment free approach and discusses his approach and philosophies on how to keep bees treatment free

BubbaTanicals Podcast


With the tagline "Good Soap - No Crap" Bubbatanicals is a homestead farm podcast that mixes in some beekeeping advice and how to along the way.


A Collection of photos from our meetings and gatherings over the years.  Click the photo to see the image gallery

Note: We're working on restoring this section with all of our images over the years.  Please bear with us as we'll be restoring the 2012-2017 images soon.

European Hornet Nest

September 24th, 2011

2011 Hunterdon Cty. Fair

August 26th, 2011

NWNJBA 2011 Summer Mtg.

July 9th, 2011

NWNJBA 2011 Spring Mtg.

June 11th, 2011

NJBA Bear Fence Mtg.

June 1st, 2011

NWNJBA Mentoring Hives

May 31st, 2011

NJBA Winter Mtg.

February 12th, 2011

NWNJBA 2010 Spring Mtg.

Junje 26th, 2010

NJBA 2010 Spring Mtg.

May 22nd, 2010

NWNJBA 2009 Fall Mtg.

September 26th, 2009

NJBA 2009 Spring Mtg.

June 6th, 2009

NWNJBA 2009 Spring Mtg.

May 30th, 2009